For our SEX AND HEALTH edition of HIP HOP FOR BETTER HEALTH, we have taken the liberty to list the TOP REASONS that having an active sex life could be beneficial to your health and overall well being. Here we list the long term and short run positive effects sex can have on you, taken from various credible sources and presented in no particular order.
Here we go.....
* An active sex life keeps your immune system going strong. Having a great sex life boosts your body's ability to make protective antibodies against bacteria, viruses, and other germs that cause common illnesses.
* It boosts your libido.
* For women, a great sex life can improve your bladder and bladder control.
* More sex burns calories and helps you lose weight.
* Having consistent sex can lower your stress levels.
* Many people in the United States aren't aware of this but in many different cultures some use sex for pain relief.
* A great orgasm from sex can help you sleep better. Getting more hours of sleep has it's own health benefits which we will cover here in Hip Hop for Better Health for a future segment.
Thank you for reading and reviewing this list, let us know in the comment section other health benefits to sex that we may have missed. Here is your reward for sticking around and reading through the list, the latest music video and single from R&B singer Nikia titled "Sexin'". Watch her music video below and visit her official website at
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